Tshepo CDI is an NGO supported by a fraternal of churches in the Northcliff area of Johannesburg. The aim of Tshepo CDI is to address social problems in our direct community, to alleviate the cycle of poverty.
The four main areas that Tshepo CDI serve –
Youth Development
We believe that prevention is better than cure and by intervening early in the lives of our youth, it can lay the foundation for positive enrichment and development. Our programs aim to create an environment that encourages healthy relationships, promote education and nurture a love for reading.
*The youth development services have been impacted by Covid-19 lockdown, keep an eye on our Facebook page for updates.
Job Creation
Our Job Creation programme aspire to address the challenges of unemployment by following an approach that meets people where they are. We have three intervention phases:
- Work rehabilitation
After an individual is assessed by our social worker, he/ she will be entered into our work rehabilitation programme. This programme is designed by an occupational therapist and teaches general pre-vocational skills while working. Being paid a stipend, helps them to get back on their own feet: buy food, pay for shelter and even save for future goals.
- Job placement
Partnering with private micro enterprises and churches in the community we look for opportunities to place individuals who have completed our work rehabilitation programme, in employment.
- Enterprise development
Tshepo has been successful in incubating new enterprises and continuously search for promising entrepreneurs to assist in the process of starting a business. Many of these new businesses in turn become job creation partners of Tshepo CDI.
Sizanani Garden
Tshepo currently boasts a state of the art vegetable tunnel where we grow organic seasonal vegetables. This programmes serves to:
- Teach conservation agriculture techniques by partnering with “Farming God’s Way”
- As work rehabilitation for previously unemployed people
- Provide nutrition for our own feeding scheme
- Generate income to create employment
We sell vegetables, compost, potting soil, top soil and plants to the public. Click here for more info.
Integrated Social Work Services
At the very core of our values is service to the destitute and vulnerable communities among us. Our feeding scheme is a safe place where people who have lost hope can come and have a meal, take a shower and have their dignity restored.
We have a soup kitchen that serves as a space where people get access to our other intervention programmes. We have a qualified social worker who also helps to integrate our services with the different soup kitchens in the Linden area.
Tshepo keeps an active database of clients to keep track of individuals who have been helped through the various programmes. Churches and affiliated organisations can make referrals to our social worker.