A shower is a human thing.
It’s being clean and presentable.
It is, to a large part, a perception: someone who is clean is perceived to be a ‘better’ person.
A shower is a big thing, if you don’t have it.
Japie tells me he and Theki walked past Chiko, a recycler, the other day. They both had a do a double take, as they didn’t recognise him. He had taken a shower the morning at Tshepo and looked like a transformed person.
A shower is a big thing, if you don’t have it.
Tshepo gets approximately 30 attendees per day at the soup kitchen and the one shower we have, works overtime. A shower, for the homeless, means humanity. It means an opportunity to wash clothes and make yourself presentable. It means possibly getting a job. It means feeling part of society again.
The Dischem Foundation runs a campaign called Random Acts of Kindness, and this year, Tshepo was fortunate enough to receive a visit from the team. Tshego Modisane and Sherry Saltzman walked around while Japie Krige, the Tshepo Manager, introduced the initiative to them: the different projects we run, our history and our goals.
Then, on a Monday afternoon, Japie called me saying Dischem decided to donate the shower facilities to Tshepo.
Many many dreams came true in an instant: dreams of prayers that were answered.
Dreams of hope.
Dreams of knowing that people do care.
A big thank you to the Dischem Foundation and 702 for restoring people’s dignity with a much needed shower.
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