The Windsor Aftercare reopened in June 2021, after closing in March 2020 due to Covid-19 lockdown regulations.
For one child, the reopening of the Windsor aftercare meant the world: this is his story.
Lethabo, coordinator at the aftercare spoke to John* a 12 year old from the Windsor community. John hails from Congo and is a native French speaker. John explained that he loves school and that he likes studying. His favourite subjects are maths and Afrikaans. When John started term 3 in 2021 his maths mark was 17%, by the end of the term it had climbed to an impressive 83%. This dramatic change shows dedication, hard work and focus throughout the term.
He says the help from his teacher and the aftercare helped him to achieve these marks.
At the aftercare the aim is to create a space for the kids of the Windsor community to do homework with the personal guidance from volunteers, to play and read. John dreams of being a soccer player when he grows up.
For one child, the Windsor aftercare awakened a love for learning and enabled him to achieve his best.
*Name changed to protect his privacy.