For the past two years events that have become institutions for NGOs, like the annual #Madibaday, have become a challenge. Individuals and organisations have had to become creative to find ways to still serve the community and challenge the good energy generated by this day of selfless service to help others.
For the past few years Cresta Centre has become a consistent partner with us to help serve the surrounding community, especially the Windsor area.
Windsor is a diverse and struggling community surrounded by affluent neighborhoods like Linden, Northcliff, Robin Hills etc. Since the start of the Pandemic in 2020 with the subsequent lockdowns the community had been struggling to make ends meet. Many of the families are headed by a single breadwinner of whom many work in restaurants and do jobs that were not deemed essential services. As a result many people have been laid off or has lost significant income during times they could not work.
With the help of our Social Worker we have been involved in helping many families who simply can’t make ends meet. A simple food parcel in this instance goes a long way to get through this tough time.
For Madiba day this year Cresta put out the call to their tenants and both Pick n pay as well as K&P Lohmiller (the German Bookstore) got on board to make donations in the form of stationary, food parcels and toiletry packs. The food parcel donation alone is valued at over R25 000. Over the next week or so we will be working closely with community members ensure that the items end up where they are needed most.