The Tshepo aftercare in Windsor, has been closed since the start of lockdown in March 2020.

A hard hit for the community and the kids, whose lives changed overnight. Many people lost their income, kids couldn’t go to school anymore and the community faced an overall sense of normalcy. Windsor, sometimes notoriously known, is a neighbourhood surrounded by affluent suburbs. It’s a community of families, adults and kids.

During this time we had to adapt quickly to address the most pressing needs in the community. We worked with partners and different stakeholders to help distribute food parcels and provide social work services to the community. We furthermore opened an emergency shelter at the Northcliff Scouts Hall during the periods of harder lockdown.

The aftercare, serves the kids and parents in the community by providing structured afternoon care, including homework assistance and a structured literacy programme for the kids. Mondays a lesson is taught, Tuesdays are sport days, Wednesdays arts & crafts day, while Thursdays go to building lego – that have been known to encourage the development of pre-literacy in young kids. The week is ended on Fridays with baking.

The aftercare will finally be able to open again in June with all Covid-19 guidelines in place.

After serving as an intern for two years, Lethabo Sebopa has been promoted to take over the reigns as the Aftercare Coordinator. We will keep working with our partners from New Creation Church and project Ngonyama to ensure that we serve the youth and children of Windsor to the best of our abilities.

If you’d like to get involved, pop us a Facebook message or email us at .