The aim of Mandela day, an annual event, on 18 July is to think outside of ourselves. Do set 67 minutes of your time apart to live actively in your community – not just help but notice how others life.
It is dedicated to the 67 years Nelson Mandela fought for a free, democratic South Africa.
We were fortunate enough to have had a wonderfully, packed Mandela day this year.
@rawsonnorthcliff collected and donated a variety of items: clothes, food and toys that will be used towards helping the homeless that walk through our doors and food for our soup kitchens.
@GetroudMetRugbyKyknet cast and crew decided to take on a couple of projects throughout the day, in-between a normal day of shooting. They had teams working at sorting clothes, renovating the bathroom, organising the tool shed and garden work in the Sizanani garden.
They also popped into the after-care in Windsor to deliver gift bags, spend quality time with the kids and help with toilet seats and curtail rails for the after-care.
We are blessed and thankful to all the individuals and their spirit of giving and kindness.
#TshepoMeansHope #ActionAgainstPoverty #MandelaDay #RememberingMandela #NonProfit #Community